The Economic Partnership Puts Sarnia-Lambton on the World Map

Established in 2005, Sarnia-Lambton’s New Resident Attraction and Retention Program is putting Sarnia-Lambton on the world map with potential immigrants. The SEER program – targeting Students, Employees, Entrepreneurs, and Retirees, has found an eager audience for the types of education and careers available in Sarnia-Lambton. Returning last week from a series of information sessions in the State of Sinaloa, Mexico, the Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership’s New Resident Attraction and Retention Project Leader, Ted Zatylny, said “Mexico is a prime potential source of students, as well as well-qualified technical staff and engineers.” A series of Sarnia-Lambton information seminars were delivered at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa campuses in Mazatlan and Culiacan, Mexico. Today’s student can become tomorrow’s new employee.

An informational interview was given on a popular Mexican television talk show, as well as further media coverage in the newspaper El Debate. This visit was a follow up to an introductory trip last year. Introductions have been made courtesy of a good contact in the Mexican Consulate in Arizona. Further recruiting visits to the area will continue to build on this strong base.

Last summer Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade brought a group of Immigrant Investors to Sarnia-Lambton. The first annual visit featured a variety of opportunities in Sarnia-Lambton, and the group is looking forward to a repeat visit this summer.

The SLEP is pleased to see from the 2006 census that Sarnia-Lambton has reversed the population downturn caused by losses in its chemical and petrochemical sector in the late 1980s and early 1990s. “Although modest in relation to the population increases reported for some other communities, Sarnia-Lambton’s current population of 128,204 indicates a reversal of the area’s previous downward trend. This is a real accomplishment,” said Zatylny. “We anticipate that new immigrants will add to this trend in the future.”

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For further information contact
Ted Zatylny, Project Leader
New Resident Attraction and Retention
Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership

Posted in: SLEP News