Wind turbine farm proposed for Dawn-Euphemia

Plans are underway to locate a second wind turbine farm in Lambton County.

Dawn-Euphemia council have been approached by IPC Energy and Sydenham Energy Corporation, which are partnering on a proposed project to construct up to 40 wind turbines in the south Lambton municipality that would produce up to 80 megawatts of power.

IPC Energy’s Tom Lewis said the company has been collecting wind data in the area for the past two years. “We foresee a reasonable return on investment,” he said.

An environmental screening process has begun and a public consultation meeting has been set for Sept. 18, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Florence Community Centre. Lewis said the company will keep the public informed and welcomes input on the project.

Township clerk administrator Mike Schnare said council has set a public meeting for Oct. 6 to gauge public support for the project. Schnare said the companies have worked out lease agreements with up to 40 property owners in the former Euphemia portion of the municipality. “Their intention is to build and install wind turbines throughout the community,” he said.

Unlike traditional wind farms, this project calls for the turbines to be spread out. Schnare said the project would not see more than one turbine within a 50-acre radius. “You won’t see a cluster of them.”

Council has been asked to implement zoning processes in its official plan that would allow for wind turbines in Dawn-Euphemia. The project partners have also asked for site specific zoning changes for specific properties. Council has received the information and will discuss it at its October meeting. Although more information is needed before council can take a position, Schnare said, “There is obviously some optimism on the project.”

If it goes ahead, it is hoped construction would begin in 2010, Lewis said.


It would become the second wind turbine operation in the county. Earlier this year, a six-turbine farm opened in Lambton Shores between Forest and Grand Bend. They are expected to produce roughly 30 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually at full capacity, or enough to power 3,000 homes. There are plans to possibly expand that project to include an additional 24 wind turbines in north Lambton.

Earlier this year, Engineered Systems Wind Power Division Inc. expressed interest in building up to 80 wind turbines in St. Clair Township. Following an initial presentation to council, however, the company has yet to followup on its plans, said township CAO John Rodey.

To learn more about the wind turbine project proposed for Dawn-Euphemia visit

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