Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership Launches On-Line Survey to Gather Data for Strategic Plan

The Sarnia Lambton Economic Partnership (SLEP) is a private and public sector partnership formed as a community-based effort to revitalize the economy of Sarnia-Lambton.

All successful economic development agencies prepare and update economic development strategies on a regular basis. SLEP is in the process of creating a new strategic economic development plan to ensure that the Sarnia-Lambton area remains competitive, and maximises its investment and economic diversification potential.

Stakeholder consultation in the preparation of an economic development strategy is mission critical. Anyone with an interest in the economic future of Sarnia-Lambton is therefore invited to fill in a very brief on-line survey at


Media contact:

George Mallay, General Manager
Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership
Tel: (519) 332-1820

Posted in: SLEP News